News & Announcements
Latest news and announcements from education sector of the Pakistan
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- A sorry state of affairs: ‘40% of Hyderabad’s children do not go to school’
- A matter of prestige: The divide between public colleges
- PMTA delegation meets PCTB authorities on the biased curriculum and textbooks
- Terrorism: It’s not an education problem anymore
- Call to abolish class system in education
- Education ensures bright future
- ‘Stop following the US or UK, find role models within you’
- Second chance: AIOU educating prisoners
- 17th VC Committee meeting: VCs to ensure quality education at sub-campuses
- Future of Pakistan linked with provision of quality education: minister
- Summer vacation in FDE schools from June 11,2015
- HEC chairman asks VCs to ensure quality of education
- Textbook Killing
- Is it really shocking that graduates from ‘prestigious institutes’ are becoming terrorists?