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All Nazira Quran teachers are also welcome as many foreign living Muslims are seeking for Quran teachers to teach their children online using Skype, Yahoo messenger or Google talk etc.
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At you can find a tutor locally or online to help you in getting good grades and marks in your exams. Search from our large database of tutors for free.
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Some teachers also provide online tuition using channels like Skype, Yahoo messenger Google talk etc. this type of tuition is very helpful in Nazira Quran.
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Zainab Zareen
I have teaching experience of more than 4 years (Quran class online & physical) including kalma , namaaz, tajweed , hifz o nazra , duas etc
Quran , English , Mathemetics 9th , 10th and below Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: No Date of registeration:14/03/2022saddam Hussain
Aiouhub is the new school which is the . This school is opened and get admisiion in Matric Program , F.A program , , B.a , , B.ed , M.ed in free . That is the best school and get free all notes and paper of Matric Program , F.A program , , B.a , , B.ed , M.ed . Aiouhub is the best school , where you can get the aiou solved and paper Aiouhub , Matric Program , F.A program , , B.a , , B.ed , M.ed . is the best school free.
English 9 Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: No Date of registeration:26/08/2021MUHAMMAD SALMAN Thaheem
I'm an Aerospace engineer and wish to impart my knowledge to young enthusiasts students.
MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, ENGLISH & any Engineering Subject 9,10,11,12, BE Mechanical Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: No Date of registeration:28/07/2019Sami Ullah
Maths,Physics 10,11,12,O Levels and A Levels Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: No Date of registeration:16/03/2018Farman Khan
MSc in Physics
Physics Matric, Fsc, O-Level, A-Level Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: No Date of registeration:23/02/2018Nadeem Khan
I have done B.E ( Industrial ) from Dawood Engineering University, Karachi and 30 Years experience in related field.
English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, O-levels 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, B.Sc Can teach online: No Verified by Moalims: Yes Date of registeration:29/04/2012Ishtiaq Ahmed
M.A. Islamiat from Lahore, Darse Nizami (Alim Course) from Lahore. M.A.(Quran-O-Sunnah) from Karachi University. 15 years teaching experience in relevant field of Islamiat and Urdu O-Level and Matric system like Falconhouse Grammar School (Karachi), Army Public School (Karachi), Metro politan School (Karachi), College of Management and Sciences (Karachi). One of my student Name Yumna Safdar from Karachi got A-Grade in Islamiat and first position in Urdu (O-Level) in Karachi region . (Ref: Daily Ummat 24th March,2012, Page-2, Daily Express 25th March, 2012, Page-4, Daily Jurrat 24th March, 2012, Page-3).
English, Islamiat, Urdu, Sindhi, Pakistan Studies O-levels, A-levels, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: Yes Date of registeration:21/04/2012Naveed Kamboh
B.Sc, Computer Science, Math, Statisitcs, University of Karachi, 1997 Software Diploma, Petroman Training Institute, 1998 Master of Public Administration Major Management Ifnormation Systems, University of Karachi, 2000 M.Sc, Software Engineering, University of Sunderland 2005, databse, c#, CSS, Jquery, Javascript Software Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: Yes 0044 791552 4272 Date of registeration:03/05/2012Muhammad Jamaluddin
I have 27 years of teaching experience in the field of Commerce and English.
English, Accounting, Statistics, Economics 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: Yes Date of registeration:29/04/2012Natasha Shah
Computer/Internet. languages I can speak read and write English, Urdu and Pushtu
English,Urdu,Biology (Matric level), Pakistan Studies, Civics, Law and English advance ( Bachelors level ), Gender and Women studies. Class prep to Bachelors and Masters level only Gender and women studies Can teach online: Yes Verified by Moalims: Yes Date of registeration:19/12/2013Sheeraz Ahmed Memon
Affan Ali
Nadeem Khan
Ishtiaq Ahmed
Muhammad Hashir
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