Online practice test
Online Test
NTS National Aptitude Test (NAT) online test
You are about to experience National Aptitude Test (NAT) MCQs from our online database. Free practice session contains 250 MCQs. In our system we have 100,000+ MCQs, arranged category or topic wise for all the subjects, giving you full flexibility to practice MCQs as you want. Free Register now to access our online database.At the end of Test you would be shown results screen,
Test Name | Mcqs | Test Name | Mcqs |
Verbal Chemistry Test | 20 | Verbal Physics Test | 20 |
Verbal Biology Test | 20 | Verbal Analytical Test | 20 |
Verbal Quantitative Test | 20 | Verbal Synonyms Test | 20 |
Verbal Antonyms Test | 20 | Verbal Analogies Test | 20 |
Verbal Sentence Completion Test | 20 | Verbal Reasoning Test | 20 |
- Free 250 MCQs
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- One year access for Golden Members
- Every test costs 5 rupees, Pay as you go option for those who do not want to take Yearly subscription.
- 1 Year subscription is Rs:1500/-- and 6 Month Subscription is Rs:800/--
Good Luck
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