Space - Space

Space (11) Add new question


Q: What do yo understand by word "Space"?

Option Answer Is Correct
1 It is certain that events in space can cause life on Earth to come up an end. The certain events, however, will happen at an extremely long timescale measured in billions of years. Projections indicate that the Andromeda Galaxy is on a collision course with the Milky Way. Impact is predicted in about 3 billion years, and so Andromeda will approach at an average speed about 140 kilometers (87 miles) per second; the two galaxies wilt probably merge to form a giant elliptical. This merging could eject the solar system in a more eccentric orbit and an unwanted position in the merged galaxy causing our planet to become uninhabitable. In about 5 billion years, stellar evolution predicts our sun will exhaust its core hydrogen and become a red giant. tn so doing, it will become thousands of times more luminous. Even in its current phase of stellar evolution, the sun is increasing in luminosity. Many scientists predict that in fewer than one billion years, the runaway greenhouse effect will make Earth unsuitable for life. On an even longer time scale, the universe may come to an end. The current age of the universe is estimated as being 13.7 billion years old. There.are several competing theories as to nature of our universe and how it will end, but in all cases, there will be no life possible. These scenarios take place on a considerably longer timescale than the expansion of the sun.

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