Judaism - Judaism
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Q: what do you know the religion of Judaism?
Option | Answer | Is Correct |
1 | Judaism is the oldest of the monotheistic faiths. It affirms the existence of one God, Yahweh, who entered into covenant with the descendants of Abraham; Gods chosen people. Judaism’s holy writings reveal how God has been present with them throughout their history. These writings are known as the Torah, specifically the five books of Moses, but most broadly conceived as the Hebrew Scriptures (traditionally called the Old Testament by Christians) and the compilation of oral tradition known as the Talmud (which includes the Tvlishnah, the oral law). According to Scripture, the Hebrew patriarch Abraham (20th century? B.C.) founded the faith that would become known as Judaism. He obeyed the call of God to depart northern Mesopotamia and travel to Canaan. God promised to bless his descendants if they remained faithful in worship. Abraham’s line descended through Isaac, then Jacob (also called Israel; his descendants came to be called Israelites). According to Scripture, 12 families that descended from Jacob migrated to Egypt, where they were enslaved. They were led out of bondage (13th century? B.C.) by Moses, who united them in the worship of Yahweh. The Hebrews returned to Canaan after a 40 year sojourn in the desert, conquering from the local peoples the “promised land’ that God had provided for them. | |
2 | The 12 tribes of Israel lived in a covenant association during the period of the judges (1200?-1000? B.C.), leaders known for wisdom and heroism. Saul first established a monarchy (r. 1025?-1005? BC): his successor, David (r. 1005?-965? B.C.), unified the land of Israel and made Jerusalem its religious and political center. Under his son, Solomon (r. 968?-928? B.C.), a golden era culminated in the building of a temple, replacing the portable sanctuary in usc until that time. Following Solomon’s death, the kingdom was split into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Political conflicts resulted in the conquest of Israel by Assyria (721 B.C.) and the defeat of Judah by Babylon (586 B.C.). Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed, and many Judeans were exiled to Babylon. | |
3 | During this period the Sadducee (temple priests) and the Pharisees (teachers of the law in the synagogues) offered different interpretations of Judaism. Smaller groups that emerged were the Essen's, a religious order; the Apocalyptic, who expected divine deliverance led by the Messiah; and the Zealots, who were prepared to fight for national independence. Hellenistic also influenced Judaism at this time. When the Zealots revolted, the Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem and its temple (A.D. 70). The Jews were scattered in the Diaspora (dispersion) and experienced much persecution. Rabbinic Judaism, developed according to Pharisaic practice and centered on Torah and synagogue, became the primary y expression of faith. The Scriptures became codified, and the Talmud took shape. In the 12th century Maimonides formulated the influential 13 Articles of Faith, including belief in God, God’s oneness and lack of physical or other form, the changeless of Torah, restoration of the monarchy under the Messiah, and resurrection of the dead. Two branches of European Judaism developed during the Middle Ages: the Sephardic, based in Spain and with an .affinity to Babylonian Jews; and the Ashkenazim, based in Franco German lands and affiliated with Rome and Palestine. Two forms of Jewish mysticism also arose at this time: medieval Hasidim and attention to the Kabbalah (a mystical interpretation of Scripture). |
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