Surface - Surface

Surface (1) Add new question


Q: What do you understand by Surface of the earth?

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1 The Earth’s terrain varies greatly from place to place. About 70.8% of the surface is covered by water. with much of the continental shelf below sea level. The submerged surface has mountainous features. including a globe-spanning mid-ocean ridge system, as well as undersea volcanoes, oceanic trenches, submarine canyons, oceanic plateaus and abyssal plains. The remaining 29.2% not covered by water consists of mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus, and other geomorphology. The planetary surface undergoes reshaping over geological time periods due to the effects of tectonics and erosion. The surface features built up or deformed through plate tectonics are subject to steady weathering from precipitation, thermal cycles, and chemical effects. Glaciation, coastal erosion, the build-up of coral reefs, and large meteorite impacts also act to reshape the landscape.
2 As the continental plates migrate across the planet, the ocean floor is subjected under the leading edges. At the same time. up welling of mantle material create a divergent boundary along Antarctic Plate Africa Antarctica Australian Plate 47.2 Australia Eurasian Plate 67.8 Asia and Europe ‘4orth American Plate 75.9 North America and north-east Siberia South American Plate 43.6 South America Pacific Plate 103.3 Pacific Ocean

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