Nobel Prize - Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize (13) Add new question
Q: what are the names of Nobel prizes and the persons given to in the field of physics?
Option | Answer | Is Correct |
1 | 1901 Physics, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen 1902 Physics, Hendrik A Lorentz Physics, Pieter Zeeman 1903 Physics, Henri Becquerel Physics, Pierre Curie Physics, Marie Curie 1904 Physics, Lord Rayleigh 1905 Physics, Philipp Lenard 1906 Physics, J.J. Thomson 1907 Physics, Albert A Michelson 1908 Physics, Gabriel Lippmann 1909 Physics, Ferdinaind Braun Physics, Guglielmo Marconi 1910 Physics, Johanes Diderik van der Waals 1911 Physics, Wilhelm Wien 19)2 Physics, G. Dalen 1913 Physics, H. Kamerlingh Onnes 1914 Physics. M. Laue 1915 Physics. William Bragg Physics, Lawrence Brngg 1917 Physics, Charles Glover Barkia 1918 Physics, Max Planck 1919 Physics, Johannes Stark 1920 Physics, Charles Edouard Guillaume 1921 Physics, Albert Einstein 1922 Physics, Niels Bohr 1923 Physics, Robert A Millikan 1924 Physics, Manne Siegbahn 1925 Physics, James Franek Physics, Gustav Hertz 1926 Physics, Jean Baptiste Perrin 1927 Physics, Arthur H. Compton Physics, C. T.R. Wilson 1928 Physics, Owen Willans Richardson | |
2 | 1929 Physics, Louis tie Brogue 1930 Physics, Venkata Rarnan 1932 Physics. Werner Heisenberg 1933 Physics. Paul A.M Dirac. Physics, Erwin Schrodinger 1935 Physics, James Chadwick 1936 Physics, Carl D. Anderson Physics, Victor F. Hess 1937 Physics, Clinton Davisson Physics, George Paget Thomson 1938 Physics, Enrico Fermi 1939 Physics, Ernest Lawrence 1943 Physics. Otto Stern 1944 Physics, Isidor Isaac Rabi 1945 Physics. Wolfgang Pauli 1946 Physics, Percy W. Bridgman 1947 Physics, Edward V. Appleton 1948 Physics, Patrick M.S. Blackett 1949 Physics. Hideki Yukawa 1950 Physics, Cecil Powell 1951 Physics, John Cockcroft Physics, Ernest IS. Walton 1952 Physics, Felix Bloch Physics, E. M. Purcell 1953 Physics: Frits Zernike 1954 Physics, Max Born Physics. Waither I3othe 1955 Physics, Polykarp, Kusch Physics, Willis E. Lamb 1956 Physics, John Bardeen Physics, Walter H. Brattain Physics, William B. Shockley 1957 Physics, Tsung-Dao Lee Physics, Chen Ning Yang 1958 Physics, Pavel A Cherenkov Physics. Il’Ja M. Frank Physics, Igor Y. Tamin: 1959 Physics, Owen Chamberlain Physics. Emilio Segre 1960 Physics, Donald A Glaser 1961 Physics, Robert I-Iofstadter | |
3 | Physics, Vat Fitch 1981 Physics, Nicolaas Bloembergen Physics, Arthur L. Schawlow Physics, Kai M. Siegbahn 1982 Physics, Kenneth G. Wilson 1983 Physics. Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Physics, William A. Fowler 1984 Physics, Carlo Rubbia Physics, Simon van der Meer 1985 Physics, Klaus yon Klitzing 1986 Physics, Gerd Binnig Physics, Heinrich Rohrer Physics, Ernst Ruska 1987 Physics, J. Georg Bednorz Physics, K. Alex Muller 1988 Physics. Leon M. Lederman PhysicsMelvin Sschwarttzz Physics, Jack Steinberger 1989 Physics, Hans G. Dehmelt Physics, Wolfgang Paul Physics, Norman F. Ramsey 1990 Physics, Jerome I. Friedman Physics, Henry W. Kendall Physics, Richard E. Taylor 1991 Physics, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 1991 Physics, Georges Charpak 1993 Physics, Russell A. Hulse Physics, Joseph H. Taylor Jr. 1994 Physics, Bertram N. Brockhouse Physics, Clifford G. Skull 1995 Physics, Martin L. Perl Physics, Frederick Reines 1996 Physics, David M.L. Physics, Douglas D Osheroff Physics, Robert C. Richardson 1997 Physics, Steven Chu Physics, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Physics, Willim D. Phillips 1998 Physics, Robert B. Laughlin Physics, Horst L. Stormer Physics, Daniel C. Tsui 1999 Physics, Gerardus’t 1-looft Physics, Martinus l.G. Veltman 2000 Physics, Zhores J. Alferov Phyics, Jack S. Kilby Physics, Herbert Kroemer 2001 Physics, Eric A. Cornell Physics. Wolfgang Ketteerle Physics, Carl E. Wieman 2002 Physics, Raymond Davis Jr. Physics, Riccardo Giacconi Physics, Masatoshi Koshiba 2003 Physics, Alexei AA, Abrikosov Physics, Vitaly L. Ginzburg Physics, Anthony J. Leggett 2004 Physics David J. Gross Physics H. David Politzer Physics Frank Wilczek 2005 Physics Roy J. Jlauber Physics John L. Hall Physics Theodor W. Hansch 2006 Physics John Mather Physics Jeorge Sinoot 2007 Physics Albert Fert Physics Peter Grunberg 2008 Hoichiro Nambu Makoto Kobayashi Toshihide Maskawa |
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