Islamic Society

Started by Threads

Diseases & Precautions

Disscuss about deseases and how we can protect our selves, our childeren and our environment where we live and the world. Read more »

10/09/2009 8:57:02 PM, 0, Views: 2407

Naveed Kamboh

Putting references

I have seen, Most of the time people share Islamic literature (Quran, Hadith) without putting any reference. In my opinion its a very bad practice. I never ever look that type of literature as that might not authentic hadith or quran literature. Therefore I believe we should ask everybody to give proper reference. Please be part of this campaign. it will save Islam and us from many problems. What do you think? Read more »

20/11/2014 8:50:31 AM, 3, Views: 3160

Addie Tayyab


why some people depressed even having every thing in life ??????? Read more »

01/12/2014 7:13:09 AM, 1, Views: 3186


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