Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?

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Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?

Smart work is really the need of the hour. - Smart work saves lots of time and allows you to be more organized. - Through smart work your goals can be reached faster. - Doing smart work allows you to save time for other things which you might not get by doing hard work like, exercise, spending time with family etc. - Smart work brings lots of recognition from the society and allows you to grow more in the industry you are in. Hard work: Hard work takes lots of time just to make things correct. - It is totally time consuming and exhausting experience, as after doing lots of work you left out with less energy to do anything else. - Hard work doesn't allow you to fully use your brain and it pushes you for more physical work. - In terms of determination and persistence hard work is really important but not lot can be achieved. - Working hard is not enough as it might not bring the best result of a problem or a situation. I would like to conclude in the end that smart work is really important as it saves time and allows you to reach your goals faster than that of a hard work. whats your opinion about it?

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