

Education in Pakistan

Studies confirm that the productivity benefits of education are large; just one additional year of education can increase productivity in wage employment by 10 percent even after controlling for other factors. Skill development through education has been identified as a key determinant of comparative advantage and manufacturing export performance. In Pakistan, it has been shown that districts with a higher literacy level have a higher level of development. For poor people, education can serve as a bulwark against volatility: even the fundamental skills learned in primary school can make a critical difference for the survival of families when government services fall short or during times of economic crisis. The widening of educational access thus can help to eradicate poverty even before it begins to yield returns in the labour market.
Pakistan presents a paradoxical situation. The country was able to record 5 percent annual growth rate over a fairly long period of three decades: between 1960-90, bringing down the incidence of poverty to 18 percent. This happened when Pakistan’s social indicators were showing low in absolute, as well as, in relative terms. In 1990, after such impressive growth performance almost two-thirds of the country’s population was illiterate, enrolment ratios were remarkably low, the dropout rates were quite high, gender disparities in access to education were rampant and the quality of higher education was on a declining path.
By most indicators, basic schooling investments in Pakistan were low and growing less rapidly than on the average for low income countries. The reasons for Pakistan’s low educational status are varied but one important factor is that Pakistan’s educational system is highly fragmented and segmented. Within the South Asia region, Pakistan lags well behind its neighbours in enrolment; net primary enrolment rates are 50% in Pakistan, 75% in Bangladesh, 77% in India and 100% in Sri Lanka. By all criteria, Pakistan’s educational system is at the bottom of the international ladder. It has, therefore, created some intractable problems in the optimal utilization of human resources under the given labor market conditions.
Education is a road to development. It ensures individual and collective freedom in all walks of life. Education is a dynamic activity. The goals of education could be realized by concerted and consistent approach. All stakeholders such as teachers, principals, and researchers may be involved or informed on policy formulation and implementation. In this way the gap of understanding would be resolved. Strong coordination between the schools and the inspectorate may help in bridging the gulf of mistrust and alienation. Transparency system may be strengthened to decrease corruption.
In order to overcome financial constraints, practical measures may be taken for effective planning and utilization of available resources both human and material. Through strong accountability, the prevalence of corruption, nepotism and favoritism could be controlled. The people involved in the process of formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies can be trained to enhance their theoretical knowledge in skills in better administration, management and coordination. A string bond or relationship between the beneficiary community and policy makers can decrease the trust deficit between the system and public. The step of decentralization should be strengthened. It will decrease the delays in implementation of measures taken at the central level.

Rana Aurangzeb
Via Email

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