


Education can be divided into three parts. Education that teaches us how to live in society is called social education. Education that develops our personality may be termed as spiritual education. Education that teaches us how to earn our living is named as vocational education. Technical education is a branch of vocational education. It is that education that deals with some practical or mechanical art. It includes training in trade, commerce, agriculture, medicine, and engineering.
Technical education is very important in the modern age. It produces engineers, builders, doctors and mechanics. Through technical education, we can increase the material resources of our country. It promotes the material prosperity and economic advancement. It imparts quickness, attention, neatness, and order in the workers. It establishes faith in ‘dignity of labour’. If a country has its own technical experts, it can save a lot of foreign exchange. In short, technical education makes a country rich, prosperous, and resourceful.
In Pakistan there is a lack of technical education. Our schools and colleges produce clerks. Our young men run after office jobs. They hate to learn practical skills. Poverty in Pakistan is due to the negligence of technical education. Our country is rich in raw material resources. But we do not have technical knowledge to benefit from them. In this respect we must take two steps. First, more and more technical institutions should be set up. Secondly the idea of the “dignity of labour” should be popularized.
The result of the study would be useful to the policy makers in the government to provide a basis for future planning of technical education to meet the challenges which lie ahead. The administrators might find the results revealing in their sphere of operation. The technical education would also find the study as useful material for their professional preparation as teacher. Finally, the industry including the Chambers of Commerce etc. which are the end users of the product of technical institutes would also find the study helpful in bridging the gaps between the institutional training and industry’s expectations through a more effective system of linkage.

Sufyan Ahmed

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