

Road Safety

Instructions for Car Drivers
  • Always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate with you while driving
  • Always plan your route beforehand and allow sufficient time for travelling
  • You should check before proceeding:
    • You have sufficient fuel for your journey
    • Driver's seat, mirror and steering wheel are properly adjusted
    • Head rests are adjusted properly to reduce the risk of neck injuries in the event of an accident
    • All lights are working
    • Brakes, windscreen wipers, Emergency exit door and tyres are functioning properly
  • Obey all traffic signals, lights, signs and road marking signs
  • Use the indicator or hand signals when changing lanes
  • Adhere to permissible speed limits
  • Don't use your cell phone while driving as it is dangerous and also an offence. In case of emergency use hands-free system or park your vehicle and then make the call
  • Irrespective of right of way, stay alert and be considerate to pedestrians especially senior citizens, handicapped, ladies and children
  • Do not overload your vehicles - be it luggage or passengers
  • Do not use tinted glasses, lenses or anything that restricts vision at night or in poor visibility conditions
  • Do not drink or smoke while driving as it adversely affects your judgment and abilities. Don't Drive under the influence of drugs
  • Always fasten your seat belts
  • Always drive using the correct gear
  • Avoid sudden braking and rash acceleration
  • Never use the clutch as footrest while driving
  • Please ensure that children wear seat belts or sit in an approved child restraint seat
  • Driving in fatigue enhances the probability of an accident. To minimize this risk you must follow these rules:
    • Make sure you are fit to drive. Do not undertake a long journey (longer than an hour) if you feel tired
    • Avoid undertaking long journeys between midnight and early morning hours, when natural alertness is at its worst
    • Plan your journey in breaks. A minimum break of at least 15 minutes after every two hours of driving is recommended
    • If you feel sleepy, stop at a safe place. Do not stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway
    • The most effective ways to counter sleepiness are to take a short nap (up to 15 minutes) or drink, for example, two cups of strong coffee. Fresh air, exercise or turning up the radio may help for a short time, but are not as effective
  • Children in cars. Drivers who are carrying children in cars should ensure that:
    • Children do not sit behind the rear seats in an estate car or hatchback, unless a special child seat has been fitted
    • The child safety door locks, where fitted, should be used when children are in the car
    • Children in vehicle should always be kept under control and constantly monitored.
  • If you have to park on the road side:
    • Always park your vehicle in a parking zone, in case of an emergency park your vehicle to the left side of the roadway, but should leave parking lights on
    • You must switch off the engine, headlights and fog lights
    • You must use the handbrake before leaving your vehicle
    • You must ensure, you don’t hit anyone when you open your vehicle’s door
    • It is safer that passenger (specially children) get out of the vehicle on the side next to the verge
    • Lock your vehicle
    • You must not stop or park your vehicle on:
      • where there are restriction shown by yellow lines along the edge of the road or a no-parking sign board
      • Right edge of the road
      • The hard shoulder of motorway except in an emergency
      • A pedestrian crossing
      • A clear way
      • A bus stop
      • Near a school entrance
      • Where you would prevent access for emergency services
      • Near the brow of a hill or hump bridge
      • Opposite a traffic island or another parked vehicle
      • In front of an entrance to a property
      • On a bend
      • The prevent or footpath
    • Parking at night:
      • You must not park on a road at night facing against the direction of the traffic flow unless in a recognized parking place
      • All vehicle must display parking lights when parked on a road
    • Goods Vehicles:
      • Goods vehicles must not be parked on a verge, footpath or near the road without police permission, the only exception is when their parking time start
    • Parking in Fog:
      • It is especially dangerous to park on the road in fog. If it is unavoidable, leave your parking lights, fog lights and side lights on
    • Parking on Hills:
      • if you park on a hill you should:
        • Park close to the verge and apply the handbrake firmly
        • Select a forward gear and turn your steering wheel away from the verge when facing uphill
        • Select reverse gear and turn your steering wheel towards the verge when facing downhill
        • Use ‘park’ if your car has an automatic gearbox
Instructions for PSV Drivers Top
  • Always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, fitness certificate and route permit with you while driving.
  • You should check before proceeding:
    • You have sufficient fuel for your journey
    • Driver's seat, mirror and steering wheel are properly adjusted
    • All lights are working
    • Brakes, windscreen wipers, Emergency exit door and tyres are functioning properly
  • Always follow your route permit and drive only on the notified route
  • Always keep a valid certificate of fitness while driving
  • Do not overload your vehicles - be it luggage or passengers
  • Obey all traffic signals, lights, signs and road markings
  • Don’t switch on the radio or play music player while driving
  • Use the indicator when changing lanes or overtaking
  • Do not take a part in the discussion with passengers
  • Adhere to permitted speed limits
  • Don't use your cell phone while driving. If you must, move to the left, halt and then make the call
  • Irrespective of right of way, stay alert and be considerate to pedestrians especially senior citizens, handicapped, ladies and children
  • Do not use tinted glasses, lenses or visors or anything that restricts vision at night or in poor visibility conditions
  • Wear seat belts
  • Do not drink or smoke while driving as it adversely affects your judgment and abilities. Do not drive under the influence of drugs
  • Always drive using the correct gear
  • Avoid sudden braking and harsh acceleration
  • Never use the clutch as footrest while driving
  • Driving in fatigue enhances the probability of an accident. To minimize this risk you must follow these rules:
  • It is illegal to unilaterally convert the original diesel engine to petrol engine or CNG without the approval of the transport authorities

  • No CNG Cylinder or fuel line can be fitted in the passenger’s compartment; CNG Cylinder/kits can only be installed as per OGRA instructions and approved design

  • Always use branded CNG Cylinders

Instructions for Motorcyclists Top
The motorized two-wheeler rider is the one most likely to sustain serious injuries no matter what he hits- a pedestrian, a cat or another vehicle. This is because he is traveling at a speed more than 15 kmph without any protection around, and the human body is not able to tolerate forces generated when the head or any other bone hits hard with rigid objects at speed higher than 15 kmph.
We can avoid accidents by following guidelines:
  • While driving always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate
  • MUST NOT carry more than one pillion rider and he/she MUST sit astride the machine on a proper seat and should keep both feet on the footrests
  • Make yourself as visible as possible from the sides as well as from the front and rear. You can wear a white or brightly coloured helmet. Wear fluorescent clothing or strips. Dipped headlights, even in good daylight, may also make you more conspicuous
  • You should be aware of what is behind and in the sides before maneuvering. Look behind you; use mirrors which must be fitted
  • Wear reflective clothing or strips to improve your chances of being seen in the dark.
  • Never drink while driving
  • Follow the traffic signals, lights, signs and road marking sings.
  • Avoid using the cell phone when driving. If urgent move to left, stop and then take the call
  • Do not ride at high speeds. You may lose control and endanger your life
  • Always use a helmet
  • Do not ride or wheel your vehicle on to the footpath
  • Don’t leave your lane don’t be hasty stay calm in case of traffic jam. 
  • Use your lights when riding at night
  • Understand the signals given by other road users and use the same when riding
  • Never stop abruptly in traffic. Move to the left and slow down
  • When passing a stationery vehicle allow sufficient clearance for the car doors which may open suddenly
  • Do not try and weave your way through stationery or slow moving traffic. It may cause accidents
  • Slow down at zebra crossing and if needs be stop
  • Always ride with both hands on the handlebar except when signaling
  • Don't allow children to sit fuel tanks or stand in front of the rider
  • Avoid using brakes at turns. If needed, ensure both brakes are applied gently
  • MUST wear a protective helmet. Helmets MUST be of correct pattern as per the Regulations and they MUST be fastened securely
Facts about Helmet:
  • It should not obstruct vision
  • It should not impair with hearing
  • It should be light weight
  • It should not cause fatigue
  • It should not cause skin diseases
  • It should not increase the probability of neck injuries
Instructions for Bus and Truck Drivers Top
Buses and Trucks fall under the category of heavy vehicle. They should be driven on the extreme left, speed governors are mandatory for them and the maximum speed limit for buses and trucks is 40 KMPH. Buses and trucks can never overtake any other vehicle. Bus drivers should drive their buses along the bus lane and should stop the buses inside the bus box that is drawn near the bus stops. Other buses that are coming behind and are destined to stop at this bus stop should stop behind the first bus in a line and wait for their turn. Under no circumstances can the latter bus stand parallel to the former bus or overtake it.
Guidelines for Bus and Truck Drivers regarding towing and loading:
  • You must not tow more than your license permits you to
  • You must not overload your vehicle or trailer. You should not tow a weight greater than that recommended by the manufacturer of your vehicle
  • You must secure your load and it must not stick out dangerously
  • You should properly distribute the weight in your caravan or trailer with heavy items mainly over the axle(s) and ensure a downward load on the tow ball. This should avoid the possibility of swerving or snaking and going out of control. If this does happen, ease off the accelerator and reduce speed gently to regain control
Instructions for Bus Commuters Top
Bus commuters should never board or deboard a moving bus. Maintaining a queue while boarding the bus will help avoid unnecessary hustle and bustle and will also save time. Once inside the bus keep your calm avoid shouting or making noise that would distract the driver, always hold onto the handrail if standing in a moving bus, stay away from the footboard of the bus and never put any part of the body outside a moving or stationary bus.
Commuters should observe the following guidelines when traveling on the bus:
  • Commuters should not distract the bus driver while the bus in motion. All queries and requests are to be directed to the bus driver prior to travel or at the end of the journey
  • Commuters should conduct themselves in a respectable and responsible manner at all times ensuring that their behavior does not endanger the comfort and safety of their fellow passengers or the bus driver
  • The bus driver should not make any unscheduled stops in the course of travel
  • Commuters who breach these guidelines or who in the opinion of the bus driver have not acted in a responsible or respectable manner may be refused travel in the future
  • All commuters must hand over to the bus driver a valid pre-purchased ticket on entering the bus
Instructions for Cyclists Top
Before riding a cycle on roads see if you can:
  • Ride in a straight line for 10 meters
  • Stop suddenly without falling
  • Give signals with one hand while riding
  • Look back over your shoulders and take a right turn comfortably
Before you go out on the road with your bicycle, ensure that:
  • The bicycle is easily noticeable. It should be painted yellow, orange or white
  • Reflectors are provided on spokes of wheels, on the pedals and on the front / rear mudguard
  • Both the brakes are working properly
  • The bell rings properly
  • The seat is so adjusted that your feet can touch the ground
While on the road with your bicycle, you should wear:
  • A cycle helmet made of light thermocol
  • Appropriate clothes for cycling. Avoid clothes which may get tangled in the chain, or in a wheel or may obscure your lights
  • Light-coloured or fluorescent clothing which helps other road users to see you even in dark and poorly lit roads
  • Reflective clothing and/or accessories (belt, arm or ankle bands) in the dark
You should also follow these rules:
  • Never ride with just one hand on the handle bar except when giving a signal
  • Keep both feet on the pedals
  • Do not ride more than two abreast
  • Use the cycle lane, whereever provided
  • Never follow any vehicle closely. Maintain safe distance
  • Do not carry anything which may affect your balance or may get tangled up with your cycle wheels or chain
  • Avoid big and busy roads with fast moving traffic
  • Stop before you enter moving traffic from a driveway, a parking lot, a minor road, or from behind a parked car or bus. Go ahead only when the way is clear
  • Ride on the left of the road, with other traffic
  • If you are passing a stopped car be careful, a door may suddenly open
  • Obey stop signs and traffic lights, like the rest of the traffic
  • Before turning right at a crossing, look back over your shoulder, and give way to the traffic coming from behind
  • Never stop your cycle on a pedestrian crossing
  • Never ride your cycle on a footpath
  • Never try to overtake- if you must, do it only if the driver of the vehicle in your front has permitted or signaled you to overtake
  • Never try to overtake a vehicle, which is in the process of taking a turn
  • Always follow the light signals wherever you notice them. Any violation of the same is not only against the law but also dangerous to your life
  • Do not enter a street where you see the "No Entry" sign
  • Slow down at the zebra crossing- better stop if you see people crossing the road
  • You should learn and understand the language of signals given by the other road users and the signal you are expected to give while riding your cycle on the road
  • Never stop suddenly without showing a signal. Watchfully move towards the left while slowing down, but signal your intentions to the traffic following you
Instructions for Pedestrians Top
The most important safety tip to reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities is to pay attention. You can significantly reduce your chances of being in a collision with a motor vehicle by obeying traffic rules and being aware of dangers posed by cars in your vicinity. Make eye contact with drivers if possible and make sure that they can see you. Pedestrians must follow these rules:
  • Where possible, avoid walking next to the kerb with your back to the traffic. If you have to step into the road, look both ways first
  • Wear or carry something light coloured, bright or fluorescent in poor daylight conditions. When it is dark, use reflective materials (e.g. armbands, sashes, waistcoats and jackets), which can be seen, by drivers using headlights, up to three times as far away as non-reflective materials
  • Young children should not be out alone on the pavement or road. When taking children out, walk between them and the traffic and hold their hands firmly. Strap very young children into push-chairs or use reins
  • Always walk on the footpath, they are meant for you. Where there is no footpath, walk in the right side margin of the road so that you can see the traffic coming in the opposite direction
  • Cross roads where there are pedestrian crossings. They have been painted at great cost for your convenience
  • Where there are no pedestrian crossings, watch the traffic on both sides and cross when it is safe
  • You MUST NOT walk on motorways or slip roads except in an emergency
  • Never walk on the main carriageway, it could be fatal
  • Do not read newspapers or look at hoardings while walking on the road
  • Do not greet friends on the road. Take them to the footpath or the side margin
  • Do not come on to the main road while waiting for a bus. Stay on the footpath at earmarked bus stoppage
  • Where there are barriers, cross the road only at the gaps provided for pedestrians. Do not climb over the barriers or walk between them and the road
  • Do not run after a moving bus. Follow safety rules on the road and live long
  • You MUST NOT get on to or hold on to a moving vehicle
  • Don't "Drink and Walk." If you've been drinking, take a cab or a bus, or let someone sober drive you home
  • When walking at night, wear retro-reflective outdoor clothing or shoes or lights to make you more visible Avoid wearing dark clothing
  • At all crossings. When using any type of crossing you should always check that the traffic has stopped before you start to cross or push a pram onto a crossing. Always cross between the studs or over the zebra markings. Do not cross at the side of the crossing or on the zig-zag lines, as it can be dangerous You MUST NOT loiter on zebra, pelican or puffin crossings
      We must follow the six-step crossing code whenever we have to cross the road:
      What is a safe place to cross? Where can I see all the traffic properly? Make sure you are not hidden
      behind a parked car.
  • STOP
      At the edge of the road where you have decided to cross.
      Look both ways, many time, to see if there is any traffic coming.
  • WAIT
      For all the traffic to pass, and for road to be clear
      Walk straight across the road.
      Keep looking in all directions as you cross the road until you get to the other side.
Situations needing extra care:
  • Emergency vehicles: If an ambulance, fire engine, police or other emergency vehicle approaches using flashing blue lights, headlights and/or sirens, keep off the road
  • Buses : Get on or off a bus only when it has stopped to allow you to do so. Watch out for cyclists when you are getting off. Never cross the road directly behind or in front of a bus; wait until it has moved off and you can see clearly in both directions
  • Railway level crossings: Remember the rule of stop, look and listen.Stop two meters back clear of the railway line. Look right and left, watching for the lights of approaching trains, Listen for a train horn or whistle, let any approaching train pass, then look right and left again when the Railway is clear, cross quickly
  • Street and pavement repairs: A pavement may be closed temporarily because it is not safe to use. Take extra care if you are directed to walk in or to cross the road
Instructions for Children Top
The advice given below on crossing the road is especially for children. Children should be taught the basic road safety guidelines and should not be allowed on the road alone until they can understand and follow it properly. Children learn by example, so parents and teachers should always follow the basic road safety guidelines proprely when going out with their children. They are responsible for deciding at what age children can use it safely by themselves.
While walking to School:
  • Always walk on the footpath only. On roads without footpath, walk on the extreme right hand side of the roads
  • Do not be impatient on the road. Do not rush or run on the road
  • Cross only at Zebra crossings, traffic signals, subways, foot over-bridges. Where such facilities do not exist, look for a safe place to cross
  • At the signal lights, cross only on a clear green signal. If an intersection is controlled by a policeman, cross only when he signals you to do so
  • When crossing between vehicles parked on the side of the road, remember that you are not visible to the moving traffic (because the parked vehicles may be taller than you). Stop as you appear from behind the vehicle and look for a safe gap before crossing. Remember, drivers need plenty of time to see you and to slow down and stop
  • While crossing wide roads that have central islands, always cross in two stages. Cross to the central Island , stop, and cross when the next section is clear
  • While crossing one-way streets, remember that the traffic will usually be moving in a number of lanes and at higher speeds. Do not cross unless all lanes are clear
  • Never cross a road at a corner/curve, as the motorist taking the turn will not be able to see you in time
  • Running across the road is a bad idea, as you may slip and fall
While going by Bus:
  • Leave home well in time, so that you won't have to run to catch the bus
  • At the bus stand, always follow the queue. Board the bus only after it has come to a halt, without rushing in or pushing others
  • While in the bus, shouting or making a noise is definitely bad manners. Such behavior can also distract the driver
  • Do not board or alight at a bus stop other than the one decided by the school. Never board and alight at a red light crossing or unauthorized bus stop
  • Always hold onto the handrail if standing in a moving bus, especially on sharp turns
  • Do not sit, stand or travel on the footboard of the bus
  • Do not put any part of your body outside a moving or stationary bus
  • Always adhere to the bus safety rules
Guidelines for parents of school children:
  • Parents are equally responsible for the safety of their children during school journeys
  • They must ensure that the mode of transport arranged by school or by themselves is absolutely safe
  • Parents must play the role of vigilant observers. They should note down violations committed by school buses and immediately report to the authorities
  • While taking their children to school themselves, they should take proper care of their safety
  • Parents must ensure that the children acquire the right knowledge and skills for safe use of roads. They should teach their children the basic rules of the road, how to walk and cross the road, how to alight and board a bus etc.
  • Parents should not allow their minor children to drive
  • Parents must also ensure that the right attitude for a law abiding citizen is imparted to their children by the family
  • Children are very good observers and therefore, parents must set an example by meticulously observing even small traffic rules
Guidelines for teachers for ensuring safety of school children:
  • It is the responsibility of school authorities and the teachers to ensure the safety of school children and also to impart the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to be a safe road user
  • Teachers should develop a responsible attitude towards road use in school children
  • Teachers should impart essential knowledge about roads and traffic to school children, by:
  • Making them familiar with the rules of road and their importance
  • By explaining them the causes of accidents involving pedestrians, cyclists and children
  • Telling them about the cause and extent of pollution due to traffic
  • Children come to school in various modes of transport. Teachers should ensure that:
    • The children enter and leave the school safely
    • There is no conflict between pedestrians and vehicles
    • The vehicles including school buses are parked safely and properly
  • Children should be supervised and taken care of at the time of alighting and boarding the school bus
  • Every school bus must be accompanied by a teacher for controlling the children and the bus driver
  • The teacher should arrange for an alternate bus and keep the children together at one place if the school bus fails to arrive or if there is any problem
  • There should be regular checking of school buses to ensure compliance with mandatory safety requirements
  • If any school bus or any conveyance, by which children come to school, violates traffic rules, the teachers should inform about it to their principal or concerned Traffic Police Officer
Guidelines for a School Bus:
  • "School Bus" must be written on the back and front of the Bus
  • If it is a hired bus, "On School Duty" should be clearly indicated
  • Bus must have a First-Aid-Box
  • The windows of Bus must be fitted with horizontal grills
  • There must be a Fire Extinguisher in the Bus
  • School Name and Telephone No. must be written on the Bus
  • The doors of the Bus should be fitted with reliable locks
  • To keep School Bags safely, there should be a space fitted under the seats
  • There must be an Attendant from the School in the Bus
  • Any parent/guardian or a teacher may also travel to ensure these safety norms
  • it is illegal to unilaterally convert the original diesel engine to petrol engine or CNG without the approval of the transport authorities
  • No CNG Cylinder or fuel line can be fitted in the passenger's compartment; CNG Cylinder/kits can only be installed as per OGRA instructions and approved design
  • Always use branded CNG Cylinders

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